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 Rupies shop FAQ

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Posts : 101
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Join date : 2010-04-25
Age : 42
Location : Virginia

Rupies shop FAQ Empty
PostSubject: Rupies shop FAQ   Rupies shop FAQ I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 2:35 pm

What are rupies?- Rupies are kind of a motivational tool to keep users active, aside from titles.
How can I get some?- Easy. You get 1 rupie for posting in a thread, 3 rupies for starting one, 10 rupies a day for everyday you've been registered here, 5 rupies for adding someone to your friends list, and 15 rupies for referring a friend to the forums.
How is this different from Reputation and Titles?- Titles are basically status, and Reputation is kind of the same thing, only Reputation will more than likely help you move up in rank. Rupies, on the other hand, are things you can redeem for various things, which are yet to be determined.
How do I redeem rupies?-Rupies aren't deducted automatically when you decide to spend them. An administrator will deduct the appropriate amount of rupies when you post in the Rupies Shop what you want. If you do not have enough rupies, keep earning them. No exceptions will be made if you try to short change.

Rupies Shop
How is my rank involved in pricing?- Simple. The higher your rank, the cheaper something becomes. If you're a Marine, you will get to redeem points for a certain item for a certain price.
Why can't Ms. Pac Man redeem rupies?- Another easy one. You can't accrue enough rupies to use for redemption as Ms. Pac Man. By the time you have enough, you'll be at a higher rank.
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